Friday 7 October 2022

The Three Lives of Lady Bluebeard: Chapter 3




            As it happens the rumours were true. Bluebeard had indeed murdered his wives, to acquire their wealth and take over the businesses that came with them. Patron took me to Iain’s home again where I was to recover. During my stay there, the families of the murdered women came to claim the urns of their sisters, friends and daughters to give them a proper burial. As for Bluebeard’s mother, she too was buried with Bluebeard.

            Days turned to months, and months into years. I had Patron and Toki arrange the properties that were taken from the victim’s families to be returned to the original owners. For years I did not marry. Something died within me during my marriage with Bluebeard. Now he is dead and I am a widow, I dedicated my life to help those in need, those whom Bluebeard had cheated from – especially when I have woven materials for their garments.

            There were moments when I long to be married again, I told Ling this. She later recommended me Iain, whom Patron also suggested.

            Next spring I will be wed to Iain, which will bring an end to the third part of my life with Bluebeard and start a new life with Iain, one I hope would last long and be good.

            Oh, one last thing. My wings grew back, only they were not as they once were, but I was told that they look even more splendid than before. Even I have to agree on that.

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